Awesome story!!!! thanks Blondie!
No Apologies
JoinedPosts by No Apologies
The Luckiest Boy in the World Chuck Doherty
by blondie in
the luckiest boy in the world .
by chuck doherty.
The Watchtower Letters, part 6
by NeonMadman inok, back to the juicy stuff.... after all that material on pioneering, you might think i spent a lot of time in the pioneer service, right?
actually, i was a regular pioneer for less than a year.
it didn't take me long to get into the habit of fudging my hours (as so many here have indicated that they did).
No Apologies
Simply unbelievable, that they would want to make sure you did not "profit" off that literature you still had!!!!!!!!
I guess they showed you! So much for your little get-rich-quick scheme!!!! LOL!!!!!!
Oh, I also find it interesting that the elders actually wrote you a letter inviting you to a judicial meeting. I think nowadays nothing like that is written unless absolutely necessary.
abuse and cults clearly defined, You have to read this!
by needs_lots ini have just reading a great book by sylvia brown, the other side and back, and i found a very interesting quote i wanted to share with all of you.the quote best describes the jehovahs witnesses and the abuse i suffered.. sylvia brown says.
"cults and abusive relationships have a lot in common.
they thrive in isolation and secrecy, which promote control and dependency and systematically eliminate alternative places for the cult member/abused to turn.
No Apologies
Its a great quote. But I when I go to look for the book, I see this person is a psychic, talking about the afterlife. Not what I was hoping for.
Questions to ask BETHEL
by UnDisfellowshipped inwould i be disassociated or disfellowshipped if i were to work as a janitor at a military building or hospital?
would i be disassociated or disfellowshipped if i were to vote?
does this rule apply to children?
No Apologies
This is an excellent piece of work. I might direct these questions to some elders I have discussed this topic with, and see if I get a response.
Regarding one of these questions:
14: Is the Accused, Confessed, Convicted, or Known Pedophile's Wife, Children, Grandchildren, or other
immediate Family Members notified about him being a Pedophile?The answer is No. I can vouch for that personally.
My eyes were opened!!!!!!.
by yesidid inthat came for me when i was made aware of the deceit of the quotation
although i was brought up a dub i was not aware that until 1929 they were teaching jesus had returned in 1874. so how could they say
in chapter 131 page of the greatest man book:
No Apologies
Nice catch yesidid!!! Now whenever I need an example of how the Society has lied and continues to lie about its history, I can just grab the Greatest Man book. I know there are other examples where they try to perpetuate this myth, but the Greatest Man book is such a well-known book to all dubs, so it is a much more glaring example than some of the others.
Thanks for the info!
XJW's Converts vs. Raised-in-its - is there a difference
by Deleted inmorning all:.
as an adult convert to the j-dubs i chose the religion.
unless you agree with newboy that we all chose it as we cycled through this reincarnation.. when you choose something and then conclude it is seriously flawed do you lose the right of complaint?
No Apologies
Being raised in it, I would definitely say there is a big big difference, for many of the reasons already mentioned. You are immersed in the JW culture from day one. I was in my 30's before I realized that most people made choices without the constraints I had always operated on. Oops, can't rent this movie, its rated R, someone might see me. Millions of people everyday made decisions entirely on their own. It sounds so obvious, but when you are raised in a system where everything you do relates to being a dub, how do you break that mentality...
Statistics are Confusing--Memorial Attendance 1914-1935
by blondie inwhile the wts is very proud to trot out its stats now, it is like mining for diamonds to find the stats before 1935. here is what i found.. 1914 18,243 attendance.
1917 21,274 attendance.
1935 63,146 attendance (52,456 pubs; 56,153 partakers).
No Apologies
Where did you find the numbers for 1928 on? You must have really dug through the CD-ROM. I am guessing that they were not all in the same article.
I have not installed the 2001 Library yet. I hear it is quite different. Guess I will have to check it out.
Two witnesses please!!!!!
by yesidid in
re first picture;.
imho the extinguished looking gentleman on the left hand side, wearing the cream suit [and standing out more prominently than anyone else] is our dearly beloved brother theodore jaracz.
No Apologies
I thought it was Barr, myself.
SilentLambs on news in MN
by No Apologies ini caught an interesting story last night on the nbc station in the twin cities.
there is a group here trying to extend the statute of limitations on prosecuting child molesters.
featured in the report were heidi meyer and amber?
No Apologies
I caught an interesting story last night on the NBC station in the Twin Cities. There is a group here trying to extend the statute of limitations on prosecuting child molesters. Featured in the report were Heidi Meyer and Amber? Long? the two ex-JWs who are suing the Watchtower Society. The only unfortunate part was they did not mention the Watchtower or Jehovah's Witnesses by name.
Still, it was very interesting. Does anyone know how I can contact this group? I am all in favor of extending or removing the statute of limitations for these types of crimes.
The power of an apology
by Gig ini regret that because i don't have my copy of crisis of conscience here i can't complete this post, but someone with a copy please assist me...ray quoted an apology from the worldwide church of god after the passing of their "leader" herbert armstrong.
it really struck me as courageous, responsible, and ever so appropriate given that herb's teachings often were the same in nature as the wts's.
if memory serves it's on page 271 or 272, if not you'll find only one reference to the worldwide church of god in the index.
No Apologies
This comment caught my eye:
We were judgmental and self-righteous—condemning other Christians, calling them "so-called Christians" and labeling them "deceived" and "instruments of Satan."
Sounds very familiar. But I think it will be a cold day in Brooklyn Bethel before we ever see a statement similar to this coming out of the WT.